White claims the highest value in all three colors, and thus is the lightest color. In the RGB color space, each primary color has a values from 0 to 255. White is expressed in RGB as 255, 255, 255. The numerous options below help you achieve just the right color combinations. Of course, you don’t always want complete contrast! Softer tints of white may be more restful to the eyes. Black text color on a white background is a proven winner for easy reading. Because of this, it offers the highest contrast against medium to dark colors.īlack, which is the absence of light, used with white creates the highest contrast available. With all three color lights on full, it’s the lightest color there is.
In the RGB color spectrum, the pure color of white is made by the full intensity of red, green, and blue light. Palest green, blue, purple, pink, and peach.
Near-white tints – palest color undertone.
Neutral white shades – pale gray undertone.Ĭream white shades – pale yellow undertone.